Hello my precious pupils,

       Emma, the play you wrote was great. The video tape of the play will be in the family archives. You also got on honor roll and I couldn't be more proud.

       This letter is dedicated to you and it relates to what I taught you after our parent-teacher conference.

       You got on honor roll because of your effort and not your genius. Parents are always proud of anything their kid does well, as long as it isn't cannibalism or something bad. I am very proud that you are smart, but I am even more proud of the effort you put in to doing well.

       Your teacher notices it and so does mom and I.

       You are born with the brains you have. You can maximize what you can get out of your brain. It is like a muscle. You can become smarter by reading different material both fiction and non-fiction. Math problems and brain puzzles can also raise your IQ a bit.

       However, no matter how much you do to raise your IQ, you can not get super smart by doing anything. Everyone is basically born with the hand they were dealt.


Effort is The Largest Difference
Between Winners and Losers!

       Effort and attitude or intertwined, but if someone with a really bad attitude, does try enough, they will most likely succeed eventually.

       Effort is everything.

       That is why I am so proud of you Emma. You EARNED your status on honor roll and you shall be rewarded for it.

       Back to our project.

       It has been a long time and I have not heard or seen any evidence the ad has run. You can't put a large ad in a national newspaper without getting at least, some reply, even if it is an insult.

       We are headed into the holiday season which is a bad time to run ads for financial information products too.

       By now, many of the predictions I made, have come true and the other predictions are now being discussed more frequently.

       So I have begun preparing to make adjustments and improvements.

       First, I sat down with a good friend who really has a good idea of what is happening in the economy. We put our heads together and discussed who would and would not benefit from the change in power from the republicans to the democrats.

       This lead to the creation of a whole new report entitled "How To Profit From Coming Power Shift In Washington!"

       I like it very much. If I word it right, I think I can play up to the hopes of democrats and liberals and the fears of republicans at the same time.

       As long as I don't take a position and state everything factually, the right should get the idea this is about how to save their money from the socialists. If the left is reading it, they will think it is about how to invest in green energy and changes in the medical system etc.

       The truth is, the report does both.

       I will use some of this info to update the AD and make it more topical or reflective of the future.

       Since the last time I mentioned them, I have written a couple more reports for the project.

       So far I have reports on:

  • How To Thrive In A Bad Economy
  • How to Avoid Taxes
  • Following What the Super Wealthy Do
  • How and Why Investing Yourself Is Better Than Mutual Funds
  • How To Live On Interest or A Fixed Income
  • How To profit From The Power Shift In Washington
  • Investing Basics
  • The Real Way To Make A Fortune From Foreclosures
  • How to Profit From Any Bailouts

       These reports will get new titles and be tightened up before they go out, but I won't have to rush and figure out what to send them, to keep them happy.

       There are also some mistakes I have made.

       Being so excited, I rushed into picking a website address or name. I told Uncle Kevin to grab something relevant about being an insider on what the rich were doing and he got www.insidersecretsoftherich.com which is exactly what I asked him to get.

       But, I forgot to request a short name. When it comes to a website name, memorable is very important, relevant is also and so is being a short address.

       People don't type that fast and the longer the website address is, the harder it is to get them to go there. What I should have done is sat down and found a name with an easy to remember initials or a shorter name.

       See, if ISOTR, short for Insider Secrets Of The Rich, was something more relevant or easy to remember, it is easier for prospects to remember later.

       Oh well. I do not think this is a big mistake and I prefer a sloppy attempt to not making ANY attempt. Mistakes of enthusiasm are forgivable.

       The recession is official now. So I intend to change the AD to remove the word looming and make it simply, "How to Profit From The Recession."

       By the way, I did receive some very positive feedback on my report about living on interest, so this may be an angle I try to specialize in later.

       Well congrats on being on honor roll Emma.

       I love you both and good luck,



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